Search Results for: pet portrait

40 Famous Abstract Paintings: Interpreting The Artist’s Reality

Cover of famous abstract paintings

The word “abstract” means something that is theoretical in nature.  It’s not meant to look stunning but to deliver a message to the viewer. To an ordinary eye, it might seem vague and incomplete. That is because of the absence of a subject, which makes it unapologetically hypothetical. One of the main philosophies of abstract […]

13+ Paintings on Love: Here are Some Paintings that Provoke Love and Affection

Paintings of love featured image

Those who never loved or lost love can’t understand the emotions of an artist! But, what if I tell you that there are some mesmerizing paintings on love that will provoke the feelings of love and affection in your heart? You’d be surprised, right? Many artists chose the romantic route, greatly influenced by the exquisite […]

Famous Contemporary Black Artists You Should Know About

Contemporary black artists featured image

Art! A term that has been used for ages now to define, communicate, and express concerns and revolt against the evolution of the world. Mainly, if we talk about the case of black people, they’ve been facing discrimination for a long time, even in the field of art. Art has thus also been a great […]

Acrylic Painting Tips For Beginners: 5 Proven Steps To Master Your Skill

Acrylic Painting Tips For Beginners 5 Proven Steps To Master Your Skill

Despite being an amateur, you can make paintings like this… Also this. …this too However, you’ll require some tools, supplies, and importantly, the right technique through which you can make this happen. This is why we’ve decided to write this blog to explain to you the nitty-gritty of acrylic paintings.  What you just saw were […]

The Philosophy of Traditional Art vs. Digital Art (2024 Updated)

A portrait of a black woman half made using digital art and the other made using traditional art.

The digital world has changed a lot for us humans, right?  What do you think of its effects on art then?  Yes, my fellow artists, what do you really think of the tremendous progress of digital art?  Well, I am here to put forward and remind you about a debate that has been going on […]

Memorial Day Gifts: A Tribute To The Lionhearted Souls 

featured image for the blog of memorial day gifts

Thinking of a Memorial Day gift always feels heavy on my heart.   It makes me think of all the families who no longer have their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and other family members.   The ones who sacrificed their lives to defend the freedom of a country.   So Memorial Day weekend should be a […]

Memorial Gifts: To Evoke The Cherished Memory Of The Departed

An image of a lady wearing a black dress and memorial veil with red nail polish. The text reads memorial gifts: to evoke cherished memories of the departed.

The thought of having to give someone a memorial gift breaks my heart. Watching someone break down because they miss the one they love, is just sorrowful. Knowing there is nothing we can do except be there for them in every possible way.  There are so many thoughts racing through your mind,  How do I […]

50+ Mother’s Day Gift Ideas That Bestow Love And Affection (2024) 

“Mother” is probably the heaviest word in the world. It holds all the love and affection, bears all the pain & sacrifice and carries the weight of responsibilities.  Mothers are the purest creation of God. They deserve to be treated in the most affectionate and valuable ways possible.  We should appreciate and acknowledge our mother’s […]