13 Famous German Artists- Exemplary Contributions by German Painters! 

Famous German Artists cover image.

The art world would be incomplete without the contributions of some incredibly skilled German artists!  “We have art so that we shall not die of reality.”  This quote by German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, perfectly describes German art’s contribution to the art community.  With so many eminent artists across art movements and different periods, we have […]

Shape in Art: Understanding The Importance and Concept of Shapes

Shape in art featured image

Circles, squares, rectangles—these are all the shapes, right? But, do you know that these aren’t the only shapes in the art niche! Yes! I know that it is a fact that you will be surprised to know, so let us learn about this concept together! Shape in Art! If we go by the definition of […]

What is Rendering in Art? (Techniques Involved in Rendering)

What is Rendering in Art? (Techniques Involved in Rendering)

Art always fascinates me.  I always wonder if paintings and 3D images are magical. How can someone draw something that is so realistic from scratch? Look at the art communities for once; they produce insanely detailed images that appear real and live. How? Don’t you want to know? Well, their little secret is not a […]

Emphasis in Art: Understanding Emphasis from Artist’s Lens

A well-qualified and experienced artist knows the importance of emphasis in art.  Without emphasis, your art will never leave an indelible mark on viewers’ minds. Viewers seeing your composition and not paying enough attention to subjects, points, or specific areas where you expect them to is disappointing! It feels like something has gone wrong. It […]

Pattern in Art- Deciphering The Essence of Art Patterns

Pattern in Art cover image.

What do you see when a flock of birds is flying in the sky? Or when the rain  drips from the window sills? Or when you closely watch a honeycomb?  Isn’t there some kind of arrangement? Maybe, repetition? Is “pattern” the word you’re looking for? Then yes, you’re on the right page! Patterns are a […]

Skeleton Skull With A Cigarette: Van Gogh’s Tale of Memento Mori

Van Gogh skeleton smoking featured image

“I am seeking, I am striving, and I am in it with all my heart.” –  Van Gogh A life filled with sorrows and grief is often mixed in rolling sheets with tobacco and smoked till you get numb. Van Gogh’s Skeleton Smoking is the exact representation of the feeling of being so lost in […]

Pointillism: The Dotted Art of Neo-Impressionist Period

Pointillism: The Dotted Art of Neo-Impressionist Period

There is a saying, “drops of water can turn into an ocean.” Quite familiar, right? There is another saying that is somewhat the same. “Dots by dots can turn into a painting.” Well, I just made that up but some famous artists created history with this quote. You must be wondering what I’m trying to […]

Value in Art: Understanding the Role of Value as an Art Element

Whether you’re planning to compose art or curious to know why some artworks are made with different color combinations, let me tell you you’re on the right page, as we’re here to discuss the role and importance of value in art. As we all know, there are seven art elements of art—value having the most […]

Art in Japan: Unfolding the History of Japanese Art and Artists

cover for Art in Japan

Japan is known for its wondrous and brimming culture and art! Be it technology or art we know that no one else does it like the Japanese!  Enormously rich in art and culture, there is a lot to know about the roots of Japanese art and its evolution to this day. The brilliance of art […]