Search Results for: pet portrait

10 Famous Angel Paintings: Glorifying Biblical Scenes!

Over hundreds of artworks were made depicting angels. Most of them belonged to Jews, Christians, and Muslims, as angels play a key role in conveying God’s message to their respective prophets. But the ones that’ve conquered the hearts of millions and are predominantly spoken about on the internet belonged to art patrons who practice Christianity. […]

Function of Art: Exploring Purpose of Art in Life

Cover photo of function of art

Art isn’t only about creativity; it is about everything! What we’ve seen, what we’ve heard, and what we’ve sensed—art has literally covered every aspect of our lives. Art came to the rescue when humans didn’t even know how to speak. It served as a tool to communicate, to learn, and to leave evidence for future […]

Contrast In Art: Your Guidebook to the Theory of Contrast

featured image of contrast in art

Vibrant shades of the color palette may leave you awestruck! But when the colors and the underlying elements are arranged with each other with perfection, it comes out as a contrast in art. One of the art principles and the most intriguing part of an artwork! Contrast just adds a pop of color and effect […]

Emphasis in Art: Understanding Emphasis from Artist’s Lens

A well-qualified and experienced artist knows the importance of emphasis in art.  Without emphasis, your art will never leave an indelible mark on viewers’ minds. Viewers seeing your composition and not paying enough attention to subjects, points, or specific areas where you expect them to is disappointing! It feels like something has gone wrong. It […]

Pattern in Art- Deciphering The Essence of Art Patterns

Pattern in Art cover image.

What do you see when a flock of birds is flying in the sky? Or when the rain  drips from the window sills? Or when you closely watch a honeycomb?  Isn’t there some kind of arrangement? Maybe, repetition? Is “pattern” the word you’re looking for? Then yes, you’re on the right page! Patterns are a […]

Hyperrealism Art: Hyper-Realistic Paintings That Look Real

Hyperrealism Art: Hyper-Realistic Paintings That Look Real

Hyperrealist images! Something that is so real that it makes you wonder how can an artist pull it off? Is it really hand-painted or a photograph? The images will make you feel intrigued, whether the part you’re witnessing is original or just a playful act of your subconscious mind.  It aims to erase the wall […]

12 Most Famous Sad Paintings: Sad Drawings That Will Pierce Your Heart! 

Famous sad paintings featured image

My art is grounded in reflections on being different from others. My sufferings are part of myself and my art. They are indistinguishable from me, and their destruction would destroy my art. I want to keep those sufferings.” Edvard Munch This poignant quote by the famous expressionist artist explains exactly why many artists create paintings of sadness.  […]

Unity in Art: Understanding the Variety in Art!

Unity in Art Cover Image

We are all well aware of the phrase— Unity in Diversity!  But how many of you know what Unity in Art means?  If this is something new for you, that’s alright! Because with Unity in Art we are getting into the technique and principles of art. Understanding how exactly art is put together! In simple […]

16 Famous American Artists: The Most Talented American Painters

Before we start reading about famous American artists, we must know how American art flourished and what made it popular in the 20th century. When we say “American Painters”, only a few names appear in front of us, i.e., Andy Warhol, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Jackson Pollock.  But there are other American painters as well who […]